I know, I know.. We just had this fight. We just won this fight in the Minnesota House and now the Minnesota Senate must think we won't have the steam to fight again so soon. The Senate Finance Committee just released the agenda for Tuesday's meeting and it states their plan to roll Veterans into their version of the MONSTER Omnibus, State Gov Finance. We need to send this message again, louder and clearer! WE will accept nothing less than a stand-alone Veterans and Military Omnibus Bill.
Send this message, forward it out to all of your Minnesota contacts and ask them to send this message. You do not need to be a Veteran to send this message. It is worded so everyone can support this. We must let our Senators know we will not return to the days of being used as a political tool, bargaining chip, or treated as footnote to more important issues.
You can also take a moment and call the Chair of the Senate Finance Committee: Senator Jon Marty at 651-296-5645. It doesn't have to be a long message you can just say, "Please let Chair Marty know we want a stand alone Veterans Omnibus."
Lets let them know we have what it takes to fight this all the way until the end.